Questions to Un-Create Me

Below are some questions that I found helpful on the journey of bringing down the tower of ME:

Take your time. Don't try to answer with your mind. Don't try to answer. Just let them un-create you slowly, but oh, so surely... 

What am I?

What was I before my parents were born?

What's looking through these eyes?

What am I not seeing?

What do I see if I look a little closer?

What do I know that I really don't want to know?

How far is the sound? Is it outside of me?

Where is silence? Is it inside, outside, or both?

Is fear real? What would fear be without the word "fear?"

What am I really holding on to? What can I afford to let go?

What do I want to keep?

On Thoughts and Beliefs

What's the thought or belief that's causing this feeling?

Is the belief true? If so, do I know that with absolute certainty?

What's the worst thing that could happen if I no longer believed this thought?

Is a feeling anything other than sensation?

What's more real about a thought—its content or its texture?

What's real outside of my knowing of it?