Saturday, August 14, 2010

What is mood?

"I'm not in the mood."
What do you mean?
"I don't feel like doing it."
You don't feel like doing what?
"I don't feel like writing, working out, getting out of bed, living."
What does not feeling like doing the above have anything to do with anything?
"Don't I have to be in the mood to be inspired to do things?"
Who told you that?
Why don't you just do whatever it is you're not in the mood for?
"Because not being in the mood for it is what's causing me not to do it in the first place."
Do it first and then think about not being in the mood for it.
"That doesn't make any sense."
Let's start from the beginning: What is mood?
"It's a state of being."
What does mood feel like?
"It depends on which mood you're in."
Let's say you're not in the mood to do something. What does that feel like?
"It feels like dread. I know I should do it and immediately the feelings of guilt arise, yet I still can't make myself do the task."
What does guilt feel like?
"Like I'm sick to my stomach and I'm going to throw up. But writing it out like this has diminished the feeling considerably."
What are you feeling now?
"Less anxious and worried about what it is that I should be doing."
And what do you feel like doing now?
"Writing creating me post."

Moods are like clouds up above our heads and they stay just long enough to cast the shadow. What tends to happen is that we get stuck under the shadow even though the cloud has long gone. We live our lives attaching to overcasts and letting them carry us every which way. In the above conversation, I could clearly see how I allowed the mood I was in to drag me around until I really looked at it.

The more we look at the inner conflict at hand like the mood we are in or the emotion we are experiencing, the overcast starts to slowly, but surely dissolve. It cannot sustain itself in our awareness of it. Just by looking at our moods, we are moving beyond them.

Join me in observing our moods.

Thank you.

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